General contractors have to go through certain tasks to complete each task in modular home construction. There are lots of moving parts totally out of control when doing modular home construction. Things aren’t perfect including the plans, specifications, field conditions, inspectors, subcontractors, suppliers, deliveries, conflicts, and payments. Customers expect everything from a general contractor to go exactly as scheduled, with perfect quality, no hiccups or extra costs.
General Contractors Man the Job
When working with a modular home project, be prepared to properly man projects with enough qualified trained workers. A larger modular home job may take 5 to 10 men to maintain the schedule. If you only have 5 men on your entire crew, don’t bid it and hope you can find enough help when you need them. problem, which ends up in lost profits and no repeat work.
Manage the Contract
A reputable general contractor reads the contract thoroughly. He knows the by-laws of the contract and everything in between. Most contractors sit and discuss the contract with the home owner before doing the job.
General Contractors are Ready
A pro-active general contractor is on top of every job they have a contract to build. They don’t wait for customers to call. They take responsibility for monitoring all their projects by visiting jobsites early and staying in touch with project superintendents on a regular basis. When they get the call to start, they’re ready, the materials are approved and available, the foreman is familiar with the project, and they are ready to man the job as required to maintain the schedule.